
Showing posts from January, 2024
God is defined as light from the very beginning . From the first paragraph of the Bible God calls light into being after creating the heavens and the earth and seeing that they were covered with darkness. Where does the light come from that He called into being? Every light has a source.   When we plug in a lamp and turn it on, the light source is coming from a bulb with an electric filament inside reacting to the flow of electricity. When we light a candle the light source is ignited by heat source reacting to oxygen.   When walk outside in the day time, our world is illuminated by the sun—the flaming source of light and heat for our earth.     But there is always a source of light - an origin shining a particular direction.     As a painter paints on a canvas, the painter is aware of where the source of light is illuminating the subject. The subject is not simply lit from nothing—there is always a source of light. Perhaps sunlight or a light in the room.   The painter is dancing be