
Showing posts from February, 2012

Little Things

This blog post was featured this past month at "Happy Homemaker Me" As it turned out, on the evening of the day I wrote this piece, my water broke and we welcomed our third boy, Caedmon, into the world the next morning. At 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant with boy #3, I have been inundated with little things .  I have been washing newborn onesies, folding receiving blankets, putting tiny diapers away, and gathering supplies… feeling little kicks and hearing little pitter patters of heartbeats each week…. Little Things … All we do as mommies are little things :  cook meals, clean rooms, do loads of laundry, read short books, comb hair, kiss owies, apply Band-Aids, push swings, change diapers, fill sippy cups, play games, praise accomplishments, vacuum….this is our domain, this is our joy…. or is it …. Coming into motherhood in my mid-thirties, I struggle each day with my role as Woman.  Who am I?  My time is not my